Here goes...

Hi! I'm going to try this blogging thing because my friend Leigh Ann says it's fun and my friends Beki and Cindy also seem to be really enthralled with it. I've tried blogging before, but I'm not really all that great at it. Mainly because I didn't really feel like anyone would care much to hear what I had to say. :-) While that is probably still very true, I'm giving it a shot. Why not?

I have a question. Have you ever had a moment (just a single moment) in your day that you wished could last forever? I had one today and I'd almost forgotten how great they were. Isn't it funny, too, how those moments are almost always the SIMPLEST of things?!?! This afternoon I went to wake my husband up from a nap because we were meeting a friend for dinner. I laid quietly on the bed beside him and grabbed his hand. As we laid in silence (well, except for the barking dogs in the background) it just felt so good that I wanted the moment to last forever.

I love the way life works sometimes!

Also, and I know I've said this on myspace, but I totally love Jane Austen, her books, movies adapted from her books, and the lifestyle about which she writes. I've been asked the question (in surveys, not conversationally) which place and time I would choose to live in if I could. It's tough for me because I would choose one of the following options:

  • England during the court of King Henry VIII or Elizabeth I (however, NOT as one of Henry's wives, thank you very much)
  • A country estate in England during Jane Austen's era
  • Antebellum Virginia
I haven't ever thought of it until now, but I really believe that the common thread that runs through these three decisions is that they were times in history where manners mattered. I was at a function last night where I got to see some of my dearest friends, but I was appalled at the mannerless behavior of some of the people who I don't know very well... I will not mention any particulars since this is a public blog, but I'm glad I have friends with manners even though I don't live in any of the time frames mentioned above...

PS--Okay, you've caught me! Half of why I want to live in those time frames is because I love, love, love the fashions from that time! :-)

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