An Anomaly

I'm so excited because I'm hosting two of my favorite things this weekend: a mystery party for kids at church and a tea party for Book Club at Ferguson Tea Room in Hurricane. The weirdness about my obsessive love for the Tea Room is that I cannot stand tea! Yuck... I hate the taste of it. Even with a quarter cup of sugar in the fruitiest of flavors. But yet the Ferguson Tea Room is my happiest of happy places. (To use an SAT-type analogy, The Ferguson Tea Room is to Denise Ash as Tiffany's was to Holly Golightly. And if you do not get my analogy, PLEASE do us both a favor and rent Breakfast at Tiffany's!!! It's awesome. And, just to continue the parenthetical--it's a real word; I just looked it up to make sure--rambling, I have a cousin named Holly Golightly, which has always made me laugh since my Aunt Pam had no clue that there was a famous movie character with the same name!)

You can ask Cindy. If you see her, which I doubt since she lives ALL THE WAY IN BECKLEY. LOL! Anyway, I turn into another person when I enter the Tea Room. Not an entirely different person, just a much less stressed version of Denise. It's wonderful. I don't worry about Marshall's losses or WVU's wins or work or ANYTHING. I just enjoy the company of my female friends and sip on fruity tea (very small sips, supplemented by lots of H2O) and eat lavender scones, finger sandwiches, and tea desserts. And when I'm there, life is good... Life is always good, but life is not always Tea Room Good. :-)

If you haven't been to the Ferguson Tea Room in Hurricane, you need to go. And if you go and don't invite me, I'll be really mad. LOL! HAPPY FRIDAY!

2 Responses to "An Anomaly" (Leave A Comment)

Mama Luvins says
October 25, 2008 at 5:14 PM

I hate that I missed it- hope you all had a blast!!

sara says
March 1, 2009 at 6:27 PM

Blog more! And by more I mean blog, period!